domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013


In this section I'm going to show some organizers with the main topics in this semester:
  • Connectors
  • Referents
  • prefixes
  • suffixe.
It is with the finality of make easier the learning for the students.

Well here is the first topic and its respective organizer:
The connectors or "linking words" are words used to form a link between clauses within a sentence.
these may be found in many types, and each of these are used in different situations.

The differents types of connectors, you'll may see it in the following organizer:

Words that are used when we want to represent things and experiences in the real or imagined world.
Different words may be used to describe the same thing or experience.

Referents are words that we use for refer us to things or people, when a text or person is referring newly at the same.

A prefix is a group of letters which you add at the beginning of a root word to change the meaning of the same.
there are many prefixes used to represent different kinds of things and situations, some of this will be exposed in the next mental map.

the suffix is a ending word, it is a group of letters you can add to the end of a root word.

Adding suffixes to words you can canhge or add to their meanings, but most important, they show how a word will be used in a sentence.

In the next mental map you'll may see the types of suffixes and the use of the same.

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